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среда, 16 декабря 2020 г.

Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90% - Research Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90%, Forbes writes, citing the results of a study by Arcane Research. Bitcoin's dominance index is currently around 69%, according to CoinMarketCap.

Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90% - Research Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90%, Forbes writes, citing the results of a study by Arcane Research. Bitcoin's dominance index is currently around 69%, according to CoinMarketCap.

Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90% - Research

The real share of bitcoin in the market may exceed 90%, writes Forbes, citing the results of a study by Arcane Research. According to CoinMarketCap, the Bitcoin Dominance Index in present time is about 69%.

Arcane Research analysts argue that when calculating the indicator, liquidity must be taken into account first. “Someone might sell one token for $ 3, but what happens if you want to sell a million? - they write. "Without considering liquidity, market capitalization becomes a meaningless metric.".

When conducting research, Arcane Research focused on the trading volume indicator in order to re-calculate the market capitalization of cryptocurrency assets. They admit that more advanced metrics can be used to achieve a more accurate result..

However, the methodology described allowed them to obtain an estimated 90% superiority of bitcoin over the broader market, which is more than 20% higher than values ​​from other sources. Stablecoins were excluded from the calculations, as, according to Arcane Research, they do not compete with high volatility cryptocurrencies..

Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90% - Research Bitcoin's real market share may exceed 90%, Forbes writes, citing the results of a study by Arcane Research. Bitcoin's dominance index is currently around 69%, according to CoinMarketCap.

According to the authors of the report, the data obtained confirm the version that the role of alternative cryptocurrencies continues to decline. The network effect drives money where liquidity decides, they argue.

This data may be of interest not only to investors, but also to developers of payment infrastructure, writes Arcane Research, adding: “It is known that it is not easy to compare and contrast projects aimed at different niches. In the context of cryptocurrencies, someone might argue that the very idea of ​​comparing the relative strengths of different coins and tokens is untenable due to the fact that the solutions in question complement each other..

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